Present in more than 70 ries, Air Liquide is the world leader in industrial medical gases related services. The Group offers innovative solutions based on constantly enhanced technologies. These solutions, which are in line with Air Liquide’s commitment to sustainable development, help to protect life enable our customers to manufacture many indispensable everyday products. Founded in 1902, Air Liquide has nearly 40,000 employees. The Group has successfully developed a long-term relationship with its shareholders built on confidence transparency guided by the principles of corporate governance. Since the publication of its first consolidated financial statements in 1971, Air Liquide has posted strong steady earnings growth. Sales in 2008 totaled 13.1billion euros,. Air Liquide is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange is the CAC 40 EuroStock 50 indices is ISIN code FR 0000120073
法国液化空气公司是世界上最大的工业气体和医疗气体以及相关服务的供应商之一,集团业务遍及70多个国家。集团以不断更新的技术为基础为用户提供创新的解决方案, 这些解决方案秉承法液空集团的一贯承诺:致力于可持续发展和对生命的保护,帮助我们的用户生产众多的日常生活所必需的产品。成立于1902年,现拥有约40,000 名员工,法液空集团在遵循企业管理原则的基础上成功地与其股东之间建立起了彼此信任和透明的关系。 集团自1971年公布其第一份合并财务报表以来,保持了经营结果持续强势稳定增长。2008年营业额131亿欧元。法液空集团在巴黎证券交易所上市,在CAC40指标和EuroStock 50指标中的企业代码是ISIN FR 000120073。
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